Thursday, 3 April 2008

Starting point

Right so my fist effort in making money is going to be using one of the longest running and most popular services - Google Adsense.

So set up an AdSense all you need to do is pop over to and click on sign up.

Signing up is like filling in any other online form, you enter your details and click submit at the end. The one thing you do need is a web site. But don't worry, you can go with a free host or a blogspot or wordpress blog, all of which are free.

Once your account is set up, you go though a series of set up options where you can select the type of ads you want on your site, choices like text only, image only or mixed. Where you want them to appear, what size and also what colour they are.

You are then left with a piece of code (generated for you) that you need to add to your site. Once you've done that. That's pretty much it.

Its normal to take up to 10 minutes for the ads to show, once they do show its a case of getting traffic to your site. All done, keep checking your AdSense account for any profit.

There you go a whistle stop guide to Google AdSense, later in the blog I'll be explaining a little more in depth about AdSense and how to maximise it to its potential.

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