Bux.to is a simple site, just click here to sign up and start earning.
What do I have to do?
Once you have signed up you will be presented with a page of links. Click one of the links and it will open in a new window, you will also see a counter at the top of the page. The counter starts at 30 seconds and counts down to 0, once done it will replace the 0 with a tick to show that it has been registered. That completed, click the next link available.
See simple - You can only view each link once every 24 hours. But new links do appear throughout the day.
You cannot open multiple links at the same time it must be one at a time but saying that you do not have to actually do anything or even watch the add, you can have a nother site open in another tab or browser window or even minimise the window witht he ad in.
So what are you waiting for? Have you heard of bux.to before? Do you currently use it?
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