Monday, 18 August 2008

Paid Blogging Ethics

I know there has been debate in the past as to whether you should take sponsored blog posts and not make clear that these are sponsored, that is not my issue. My issue resolves around taking an opportunity from the likes of pay per post or social spark and not really commenting on the site or product in question but rather including the links and then rambling on about something else, only semi related.

Here's the detail.
I have the opportunity to take an opportunity about an auto loan. The only blog I can post it on is a tech blog. I don't really want to go off topic so I thought I could write about Remote Control Cars and loans to buy the best available?

What do you think? I know the advertiser could always say it wasn't good enough and I might not get paid but how often do they read the post when its for under $10 when the links are still present?

Can an advertiser say no once pay per post have approved the post?

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