Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Blog posting update

I have just been paid out my remaining funds from Pay Per Post. This has put my total from this site up to $58 the most income from any 1 site I have used. I currently have no posts awaiting payment and keep checking back to see if there are any opportunities.

With my sites still being page ranked 0 the number of opportunities are limited but the $58 does show that it is possible to earn using this service with unranked sites.

I'll keep using the site and hope that one day Google will grace me with Page Rank and the money will start to flow in more freely.

I was also approached directly via email to do a review of another site. I have added the $30 to the random offers as I thought the list may get too long if I started to list each site I reviewed individually.


Shiko-Msa said...

Hi Phil,

Just come across your site through Entrecard. Very interesting site you have. I also registered for Pay Per Post but I have not written anything yet. I just got my confirmation the other day.

I'm very interested in making money online too and your testimony is such an encouragement. My blog I created late last year but I only started posting in it two months ago. So far the traffic is going very well. Let's get talking for tips and more encouragement. Thanks so much.

Phil said...


Thanks for your comment. The first earnings are always great. What other methods are you using to earn?

smsblog said...

welcome to my blog: http://vietnam-inmyheart.blogspot.com thank you very much !!!

Phil said...

Hi sms,

IF you want to promote yourself or your site at least "comment" on the chuffin' post and not spam.

Shiko-Msa said...

Hi Phil,

I'm registered with Kontera and Google adsense but so far earnings are not yet up. I registered with Kontera via John Chow's blog. I want to complete the registration for Pay Per Post. They seem to have quite a long registration process. Did you have to register with socialspark.com first before actually starting to write?

I thought it's direct registration with Pay Per Post? You can please get in touch via wanjikuunlimited@gmail.com it's easier that way.

Thanks and good day.